Unrecom v 1.3 – Cracked

I got a request to crack Unrecom (the rebranded version of Adwind) a few days ago.

I won’t go into the details since nothing significant has changed in comparison to Awind which I described in the last post. Unrecom doesn’t use a login form anymore but instead directly checks if some kind of key file is available (didn’t bother to reverse that). It even uses HTTS! (and did not get rid of the awkward hardcoded URL /IP check.


Cracking obfuscated Java Code – Adwind 3


As the title suggestes, this post will feature a practical example of cracking obfuscated Java code, namely Allatori 4.7. For the sake of example I’ve chosen an astonishing Java RAT (Remote ‘Administration’ Tool) worth every of the $100 It got sold for, but I will come back to this later. To start, let’s compare the usual workflow of cracking Java programs and then find out why it won’t work for obfuscated code.The ‘usual’ way to crack Java programs is by decompiling, modifying and recompiling the source code.  To understand what this means you need to know that Java source code, unlike e.g. C++,  doesn’t  get directly translated to low-level machine-code interpreted by the processor. Instead, it  gets distributed in a more abstracted code set called java bytecode. This code then gets interpreted by a Java Virtual Machine similar to the .NET Common Language Runtime (CLR)  on execution.
This offers the ability to distribute programs in a platform independent format (only the VM needs to get adjusted), but as everything, it comes with a downside. Since bytecode has such an abstracted, diverse Instruction set it turns out to be vulnerable to so-called  decompiling, which basically means ‘reversing’ the process of compilation by guessing how the original source code might have looked like. Since this is a massive problem of not only application security but also intellectual property there are some efforts to prevent this by obfuscating the code in different ways.
One of the results of these efforts is Alatori, a commercial obfuscator starting at $290. It comes with all the features you would except from a commercial obfuscator, most important for us string obfuscation, flow obfuscation and inserting ‘invalid’ bytecode (bytcode ignored by the VM but crashing/confusing known decompilers/deobfuscators).

Adwind 3 – Overview

Adwind 3 is a Java based RAT supporting not only common desktop operation systems but also Android. It originated from a spain Proof of Concept called Frutas and got recently rebranded and sold as UNRECOM. It’s protected both by a custom login system with serials and hardware identification. Adwind is using the Swing API to draw its GUI. This means that it defines some user input elements (buttons, text boxes, drop downs..) which offer user triggered ‘ActionEvents’ (button click..)  and connects them to ActionListenern performing the desired action/method. Our first goal is the ‘Login’ button of the window below.

adwind_login1 adwind_login2 Continue reading